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  • SP-Arte Viewing Room 2021 | Paulo Kuczynski

    SP-Arte Viewing Room 2021 ​ ​ This year, Paulo Kuczynski Escritório de Arte presents a selection of works from Rio de Janeiro's iconography, displaying watercolors, prints, colored lithographs and an oil painting, produced by traveling artists throughout the 19th century. Each one revealing a peculiar and distinctive look from the foreigner over the Wonderful City’s landscape. In addition to the beauty of the records of these landscapes, these works are now historical documents; they reveal the passage of time and confront our own image of the city and its well-known landscapes: Sugarloaf Mountain, Corcovado, Guanabara Bay, Barra da Tijuca and the Imperial Palms Avenue, which today remains imposing and strong in the Botanical Garden of the city. These works provide us a journey through time in Rio de Janeiro and its surroundings, allowing us to observe, through the eyes of foreign artists, an Imperial Brazil that we never met.

  • ArtRio 2021 | Paulo Kuczynski

    ArtRio 2021 The Fair ​ At this edition of ArtRio, the Escritório de Arte Paulo Kuczynski presents a selection of Brazilian modern artists that includes Alfredo Volpi, Tarsila do Amaral, Antonio Bandeira, Di Cavalcanti, and Cícero Dias, and works by such major foreign names as Le Parc, Henry Moore, Antony Gormley, an impressive oil painting by Torres García and a collection of ceramics by Pablo Picasso.

  • SP-Arte 2021 | Paulo Kuczynski

    SP-Arte 2021 At this edition of SP-Arte, the Escritório de Arte Paulo Kuczynski presents a selection of Brazilian modern artists, such as Alfredo Volpi, Lasar Segall, Tarsila do Amaral, some historic pieces by Di Cavalcanti, and works by foreign artists including Torres García, Vieira da Silva, Paul Klee and Henry Moore. ​ Among these artworks, special mention goes to an oil painting by Almir Mavignier, a pioneer of constructivism, which calls attention for its details and brushwork that create a relief in paint, as well as the excellent contrast in the use of color. ​ Another highlight is a bronze sculpture by Jean Arp, a major name in abstract art and dadaism. "Night reverie" is a unique piece, cast by the artist in 1958. The work assumes different shapes depending on the angle it’s observed from, allowing it to transform as the viewer walks around it.

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